Mobile Mixers

3, 6, 8 & 10

Yard Mobile Mixers

Dan Paige Sales presents Global Mixers 
as the Best Value Added Unit available today!

The Dan Paige Advantage Plus Package includes a Remote Control, Hydraulic Cement Delivery System, Chute Lift and Horizontal Swivel for the Mixing Auger as Standard Equipment! Like the sound of that? Please read on!

Modular Manufacturing Process that offers multiple advantages!
We offer the only Modular Mobile Mixer on the market today. Our precision built, modular manufacturing process offers unmatched advantages for both us and our buyers. This efficient process enables us to be cost effective and also offer component flexibility and interchangeability not found elsewhere. For example, want to uprade your mixerto a larger cement bin? No problem here – they have the same bolt pattern! All major components are manufactured seperately to exacting standards, painted, and then assembled to your mixer specifications. They can even be unbolted for any future needed repairs or replacements. Designed to the highest quality standards, our modular process requires tolerances to be so precise, you will be extremely pleased with your units preformance!

Our 24″ wide, chain driven conveyor belt assembly is of high quality materials and is guaranteed not to slip. 
Our RS627 chain is rated at 20,000 pounds tensile strength and is all US quality steel. The PIW 330 3-ply conveyor belt is offered to give you the longest wear possible and the belt system itself is supported by 1 1/4″ angle iron 3 5/16″ center at center for reliable, consistent delivery of materials. Imagine, a consistent, no hassle, maintenance friendly conveyor system. Ours will run clean and require little attention – you will appreciate this standard feature for many operational years to come!

An “Open Design” that is both rugged and operator friendly!
Please examine closely our open design mixer – there is a big difference – you can see it! Our “open design” is convenient for visual inspection of operation, and allows easy access for any possibly needed maintenance. Ruggedly built with operator friendly maintenance features will keep you running and help keep down time to a minimum. After all, you are buying this mixer to make money, right?