New & Used Concrete Mixers for Sale

At Dan Paige Sales we offer many different ways to get a customer into the concrete mixer they need, from selling new Volumetric Concrete Mixers like the Omega Concrete Mixer, to offering used Volumetric Mixers, or simply helping them modify their existing concrete mixer to get their job done.  We also have our economy line of West Coast Mixers for those jobs that don’t need all those bells and whistles but will get the job done!  We have a full shop that has the knowledge to convert any Volumetric Mixer into a sand spreader or a poly layover mixer.  Our shop also does pusher axle installation, as well as routine repairs such as conveyor belt replacement and computer upgrades. Our parts department stocks almost every part for your Volumetric Mixer, including upgraded augers and aggregate bins.


Over the last decade we have made it our business to know what our customer’s needs and wants are to ensure that the Volumetric Mixer they purchase from us meets and exceeds their expectations.


Making sure the customer gets the correct concrete mixer is only half of what we do here, we also make sure the customer knows their mixer, the routine maintenance, and knows how to calibrate their mixer.


Here at Dan Paige Sales we are known for working on all brands of Volumetric Mixers from Daphin to Zimmerman and all concrete mixers in between.

Dan Paige Sales stays a step ahead of others in the Volumetric industry by communicating with our customers to ensure their needs are met.

Call us today to see what Dan Paige Sales can do for you and your company!


New Volumetric Concrete Mixers

New Omega Volumetric Concrete Mixer